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CGSO National Videoconference: Rectal Cancer (2021)
Activity Description

SSO sponsors educational videoconferences for CGSO Fellows and faculty. This session will focus on colon cancer, especially with its connection to the rectum, and consists of two case presentations conducted live by fellows. Expert moderators will weigh in and ask questions of the presenting fellows. Q & A will be opened to the audience.

Date of Event: Thursday, March 10th

Time: 6:30 PM EST/5:30 PM CST/4:30 PM MST/3:30 PM PST

Primary Presenting Organization: Duke University School of Medicine

Secondary Presenting Organization: Fox Chase Cancer Center


Expert Moderators

Yi-Qian Nancy You, MD, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

John Strickler, MD, Duke University School of Medicine


Julie Thacker, MD, Duke University School of Medicine


Jeremy Sharib, MD, Duke University School of Medicine

Leah Stockton, MD, Fox Chase Cancer Center

Learning Objectives

In this videoconference, the participants will learn through case-based discussions about:

  • MSI-high metastatic splenic flexure colon cancer s/p first line mFOLFOX/Avastin and second line pembro with durable (22m) response to the liver and lung, but symptomatic primary tumor.
  • FAP s/p prophylactic TAC with J-pouch found to have invasive cancer with liver mets on surveillance.
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
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