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SSO 2021 Virtual Meeting
SSO 2021 International Conference on Surgical Cancer Care
March 18 & 19, 2021
CME/Certificate of Attendance
To claim your CME Credit or download your Certificate of Attendance click the link below.

SSO 2021 Credit Claiming Page

Login with your SSO credentials then select CME Outcomes and Evaluations on the left side of the screen. Complete the relevant task(s).

Please ensure to claim your CME certificate or certificate of participation by March 18, 2022.
Continuing Medical Education Information (CME)
This activity is supported by independent educational grants from commercial interests. Complete information will be provided to participants prior to the activity.
Target Audience
This activity is intended for all surgeons and other healthcare professionals who are involved in the treatment of patients with cancer.
Overall Educational Objectives
  • Examine the findings of the most recent data from randomized controlled trials in surgical oncology.
  • Summarize new or revised clinical practice guidelines relative to surgical oncology.
  • Explain new studies within surgical oncology and how to implement the latest data into practice.
ACCME Accredited  
The Society of Surgical Oncology (SSO) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The Society of Surgical Oncology (SSO) designates this internet enduring material activity for 20.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Relevant Financial Disclosures

Disclosures Policy and Disclosures 

As required by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and in accordance 

with the Society of Surgical Oncology (SSO) policy, all educational planners, presenters, instructors moderators, authors, reviewers and other individuals in a position to control or influence the content of an activity must disclose all relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest that have occurred within the past 12 months. This includes the disclosure of all financial relationships with a commercial interest of a spouse or partner. A commercial interest is any entity producing, marketing, reselling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients. ACCME does not consider providers of clinical service directly to patients to be commercial interests. The ACCME considers financial relationships to create conflicts of interest when individuals have both a financial relationship with a commercial interest and the opportunity to affect the content of CME about the products or services of that commercial interest. All identified conflicts of interest must be resolved, and the educational content thoroughly vetted for fair balance, scientific objectivity, and appropriateness of patient care recommendations. It is required that disclosure be provided to the learners prior to the start of the activity. Individuals with no relevant financial relationships must also inform the learners that no relevant financial relationships exist. Learners must also be informed when off-label, experimental/investigational uses of drugs or devices are discussed in an educational activity or included in related materials. Disclosure in no way implies that the information presented is biased or of lesser quality. It is incumbent upon course participants to be aware of these factors in interpreting the program contents and evaluating recommendations. Moreover, expressed views do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the SSO.  


All identified conflicts of interests have been resolved. 


The following Planners, Reviewers, Moderators, Presenters/Faculty and Staff have disclosed financial relationships with commercial interests: 


Ghassan Abou-Alfa, Presenter 

Agios: Advisory Board, Consultant, Grant/Research Support 


Daniel Anaya, Reviewer 

DNAtrix Therapeutics: Research Grant 

Medtronic: ConsultantAdvisory Board 

Roche; Consultant; Advisory Board   


Chandrakanth Are, Moderator 

Global Laparoscopy Solutions IncConsultant; Advisory Board  

PfizerEducational Grant; Research Grant 


Adam Berger, Reviewer 

Cardinal Health : Consultant; Advisory Board 


Emily Bergsland, Presenter 

Merck: Other Research Support, support to institution for clinical trial 

UptoDate: Content author/editor 


Lana Bijelic, Reviewer 

Merce Electromedicina: Consultant; Advisory Board 


Judy Boughey, Planner 

Eli Lilly : Research Grant 


Anees Chagpar, Reviewer 

Athenex: Consultant; Advisory Board 

Lumicell Research Grant:  Research Grant 

Protean Biodiagnostics: Consultant; Advisory Board 

Puma Therapeutics: Consultant; Advisory Board  

Kyo Chu, Reviewer 

Castle Biosciences: Consultant; Advisory Board; Ownership Interest (Stocks) 


Alice Chung, Reviewer 

Agendia: Research Grant 


Natalie Coburn, Reviewer 

AstraZeneca Canada : Speaker/Honoraria 


Claudius Conrad, Reviewer 

FujiFilmConsultant; Advisory Board; Speaker/Honoraria  
IntegraConsultant; Advisory Board; Speaker/Honoraria 
Olympus CorporationConsultant; Advisory Board; Speaker/Honoraria 
Stryker: Consultant; Advisory Board; Speaker/Honoraria  

Carlo Contreras, Moderator, Reviewer 

GLG consulting: Consultant; Advisory Board 
Rasansky Law Firm: Consultant; Advisory Board 


Aimee Crago, Reviewer 

Springworks Therapeutics: Consultant; Advisory Board 


Paul Dale, Moderator 

Castle Biosciences : Speaker/Honoraria 


Emilia Diego, Reviewer 

Xoft, Inc: Speaker/Honoraria 


Timothy Donahue, Planner 

InterscopeConsultant; Advisory Board  
PrecisCaConsultant; Advisory Board  
Trethera Corporation: Ownership Interest (Board of Directors of Trethera and have stock options) 


Declan Fleming, Reviewer 

Alafair Biosciences: Ownership Interest (Stocks) 
Medtronic: Consultant; Advisory Board 


Alessandro Gronchi, Reviewer 

Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc.: Consultant; Advisory Board 
Eli Lilly: Consultant; Advisory Board; Speaker/Honoraria 
Nanobiotix: Consultant; Advisory Board 
Novartis: Consultant; Advisory Board  
Pfizer: Consultant; Advisory Board 
PharmaMar: Consultant; Advisory Board; Research Grant 
SpringWorks: Consultant; Advisory Board 


J. Michael Guenther, Planner, Moderator 

Exact Sciences : Consultant; Advisory Board; Speaker/Honoraria 


David Gyorki, Presenter 

Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals:  Consultant; Advisory Board 
Q biotics: Consultant; Advisory Board 

Martin Heslin, Planner, Moderator, Presenter 

Best Doctors, Inc : Consultant; Advisory Board 


Tina Hieken, Reviewer, Moderator 

Genentech: Research Grant; Research Support  
SkylineDx: Research Grant 


Melissa Hogg, Reviewer 

Intuitive Surgical : Research Grant; Speaker/Honoraria 


Hisakazu Hoshi, Planner 

Castle Biosciences : Consultant; Advisory Board 


Kelly Hunt, Presenter 

Armada Health: Consultant; Advisory Board 
CairnSurgical:  Research Grant 
Eli Lilly:  Research Grant  
Lumicell:  Research Grant  
Merck:  Consultant; Advisory Board 
OncoNano: Research Grant 


James Jakub , Moderator 

Novartis: Advisory Board 


Matthew Kalady, Reviewer 

Activ Surgical: Consultant; Advisory Board 


Hong Jin Kim, Reviewer 

Ethicon Endosurgery, Inc.:  Consultant; Advisory Board 
Histosonics, Inc.: Consultant; Advisory Board 


Tari King, Reviewer, Presenter 

Exact Sciences: Consultant; Advisory Board; Speaker/Honoraria 


Christine Laronga, Reviewer 

Up-To-Date : Other Research Support; Royalties 


Michael Lowe, Moderator 

Amgen: Research Grant  
Bristol Meyers Squibb:  Consultant/Advisory Board, Research Grant 
Delcath:  Research Grant 
Vaccinex:  Research Grant

Shishir Maithel, Moderator 

Celgene (BMS) : Research Grant 


Kandace McGuire, Reviewer 

Mammotome, Inc. : Consultant; Advisory Board 


John Mullinax, Moderator, Reviewer 

Intellia Biotherapeutics:  Research Grant  
Merit Medical: Consultant; Advisory Board 


Carolyn Nessim,  Reviewer 

Novartis: Consultant; Advisory Board; Speaker/Honoraria 
Sanofi Genzyme: Consultant; Advisory Board; Speaker/Honoraria 


Aparna Parikh, Reviewer, Presenter 

Array Biopharma: Drug Only Support; Other Research Support 
BMSOther Research Support; Research Grant; Research Support Paid to Institution 
C2i: Scientific Advisory Board Member; Have equity in C2i but it's a privately held company and currently shares have no value 
Eli LillyConsultant; Advisory Board 
Genentech/RocheConsultant; Advisory Board, Drug Only Support, Other Research Support 
Guardant Health, Inc.Other Research Support; Scientific Oversight Committee 
Novartis: Other Research Support; Research Support Paid to Institution for Trial;  Other Research Support 
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Australia Pty LtdOther Research Support; Ownership Interest; Research Grant; Research Support Paid to Institution 
Pfizer:  Consultant; Advisory Board 
Plexxicon:  Other Research Support; Research Grant; Research Support Paid to Institution  
PMV:  Research Grant; Research Support Paid to Institution  
TakedaOther Research Support; Research Grant; Research to Institution 


Do Joong Park, Reviewer 

Daewoong Pharmaceutical: Research Grant 
Johnson & Johnson: Research Grant 
Livsmed:  Research Grant;  Research Support Paid to Institution 
Medtronic: Research Grant  
Olympus Corporation:  Research Grant; Speaker/Honoraria 
Stryker: Other Research Support; Speaker/Honoraria 

John Phay, Reviewer 

AiBioMed: Consultant;/Advisory Board; Royalties for patent licensed from Vanderbilt University (co-inventor of patent for parathyroid autofluorescence; patent relates to a device (PTEye) for parathyroid detection) 


Guillaume Piessen, Presenter 

BMSConsultant; Advisory Board 
MedtronicConsultant; Advisory Board  
NestleConsultant; Advisory Board 
Stryker: Consultant/Advisory Board 


Melissa Pilewskie, Reviewer 

Smith and Nephew : Consultant; Advisory Board (Individual(s) Involved: Spouse/Partner) 


Rodney Pommier, Presenter 

Advanced Accelerator ApplicationsConsultant/Advisory Board 
Lexicon:  Consultant/Advisory Board 
Novartis Oncology:  Consultant/Advisory Board 

Janice Rafferty, Reviewer 

Stryker: Consultant; Advisory Board 


Chandrajit Raut, Planner, Presenter 

UptoDate : Author, royalties, research support (self)Author, royalties, deputy editor (spouse) 


Christina Roland, Planner, Presenter 

Bristol Myers Squibb : Research Grant; Research funding paid to institution. 


Isabel Rubio, Moderator 

Sirius medical: Speaker/Honoraria 


Jason Sicklick, Planner, Presenter 

AstraZeneca: Speaker/Honoraria  
Biothera Pharmaceuticals: Speaker/Honoraria; 
Bristol-Myers SquibbSpeaker/Honoraria    
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd/Genentech, Inc.: Speaker/Honoraria  
GlaxoSmithKline: Speaker/Honoraria 
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation: Speaker/Honoraria 
Foundation Medicine, Inc.Research Grant Paid to Institution 
Life Raft GroupConsultant/Advisory Board 
Personalis: Ownership Interest (Stocks) 


Shyamali Singhal, Reviewer 

Apricity HealthOwnership Interest (Stocks) 
Cyrcadia HealthOwnership Interest (Stocks) 
Empower YuConsultant/Advisory Board 
Hope and BeautyOwnership Interest (Stocks) 
Marjolein Smidt, Planner, Presenter 

Servier Pharma: Research Grant 


Patti Stella, CAE, CHCP, Staff  

Horizon Pharmaceutical PLC: Stocks  

Spdr BioTech (XBI): Stocks  


Karyn Stitzenberg, Reviewer 

CVSOwnership Interest (Stocks)  
Johnson & JohnsonOwnership Interest (Stocks)  
MerckOwnership Interest (Stocks)  
PfizerOwnership Interest (Stocks) 
United HealthcareOwnership Interest (Stocks)  
Vertex PharmaOwnership Interest (Stocks) 

Douglas Tyler, Presenter, Reviewer 

Castle BiosciencesConsultant/Advisory Board  
UptoDate: Other Research Support, Royalties for writing a section. 


Ching-Wei Tzeng, Reviewer 

Panther : Research Grant; Speaker/Honoraria 


Rachel Voss, Presenter 

Stryker: Employment; Ownership Interest  (Individual(s) Involved: Spouse/Partner) 


Susanne Warner, Modera 

Bio-compatibles - Boston Scientific  Varian)  Consultant/Advisory Board, Research Grant, Speaker/Honoraria; (Individual(s) Involved: Spouse/Partner) 
ColoplastConsultant/Advisory Board; (Individual(s) Involved: Spouse/Partner) 
Olympus CorporationConsultant/Advisory Board (Individual(s) Involved: Spouse/Partner) 


All other Planners, Reviewers, Moderators, Presenters/Faculty and Staff have disclosed no financial relationships with commercial interests. 

Availability: On-Demand
Cost: Member: $325.00
Non-Member: $425.00
International Member : $195.00
International Non-Member: $255.00
Resident Member: $265.00
Resident Non-Member: $365.00
Fellow Member: $265.00
Fellow Non-Member: $365.00
Post Fellow Member: $325.00
Post Fellow Non-member: $425.00
Emeritus Member: $275.00
Emeritus International Member: $195.00
Assc Member: $275.00
Assc International Member: $195.00
Assc Non-Member: $375.00
Assc International Non-Member: $255.00
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
Contains (49)